Four Areas in Jefferson Parish Win District Division
Louisiana Garden Club Federation’s Cleanest Cities Competition
Jefferson Parish is pleased to announce that four areas in Jefferson have achieved high scores in their district division and will be advancing to the state competition in the 2017 Louisiana Garden Club Federation’s Annual Cleanest City Contest. District judges toured these areas last Month, and designated Gretna, Metairie, The Town of Grand Isle and The Town of Jean Lafitte as District winners. State judging will take place the week of May 1, 2017.
The Louisiana Garden Club Federation is an affiliate of National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) within the Deep South Region. This non-profit organization aims to bring together garden clubs and community groups across Louisiana through education, beautification, and conservation.
The competition aims to promote litter-free communities, as well as beautification and civic pride throughout the state; it divides communities into groups based on Census tract data for equal judging.
The entries were sponsored by the Department of Environmental Affairs, The City of Gretna, The Town of Grand Isle, The Town of Jean Lafitte, The Grand Isle Garden Club, and Better Swamps and Garden Club; an affiliated Garden Club serving the Communities of Crown Point, Town of Jean Lafitte and the Barataria areas.
Jefferson Parish Departments also contributing to this endeavor include Streets, Parkways and Fleet Management.