Homepage Header Family Gras
Family Gras

Family Gras in Jefferson Parish

Family Gras logo


February 21, 22, & 23, 2025

 Mardi Gras Plaza, 3300 block of Veterans Memorial Boulevard, across from Lakeside Shopping Center 


Entrance gates will open one hour prior to the festival's start time. 
The VIP Royal Pass area will open 30 minutes prior to the music starting.


Family Gras is a FREE event that features the spectacle of Mardi Gras parades, cuisine, local art, a kids' court, and outdoor concerts by national artists as well as Louisiana favorites!

Family Gras features a wide variety of musical talents that the entire family can enjoy. The Beach Boys, Brett Eldredge, Cyndi Lauper, Martina McBride, Ann Wilson, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, Marshall Tucker Band, The Pointer Sisters, Zac Brown Band, Lauren Aliana, Leann Rimes, and many others have performed in the past.

Shop the Art Market for items such as Louisiana photography, hair accessories, hand-crafted jewelry, and more. Our Kids' Court has various activities for kids 12 and younger, such as face painting, hand-wax art, and interactive games. Savor delicious fare from our festival food vendors, such as shrimp po-boys, chicken andouille gumbo, crawfish mac n cheese, Louisiana-style meat pies, California sushi, spicy tuna tacos, and crab & tuna wonton nachos!

After the music ends, stay for an up-close look at the Krewes of Excalibur, Atlas, and Madhatters as they roll in front of the Family Gras site on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

Relax in one of Jefferson's hotels. Click here to book your room!


2024 royal pass $99

Are you looking for an up-close and personal experience this Family Gras?


Purchase the VIP Royal Pass, which includes a 3-day ticket to the festival, a special VIP area, back-of-stage access, front-of-stage views, limited food & drinks, & the use of a comfort station
(ages 6 & older).


$99 per person if purchased before January 1, 2025. After January 1, price increases to $125 per person.



2024 Entertainment Lineup COMING SOON






Kids' Court

Kids Court


We pride ourselves on being a family-friendly event
and offer plenty of activities to
keep the kids entertained, such as 
face painting and interactive games inside
our Kid's Court area.



2025 Jefferson Parish Mardi Gras Parade Schedule

2025 Parade Schedule





N.O. Track Club's Mardi Gras 5K/10K

Mardi Gras 5K New logo


Celebrate Carnival season at the 6th Annual Mardi Gras 10K/5K & Kids' Half Mile, produced by the New Orleans Track Club!

Race day is Saturday, February 22, 2025, in Metairie, Louisiana.

The Mardi Gras 10K/5K and Kids' Half Mile is a family-friendly run / walk with the race finish coinciding with Jefferson Parish's annual FREE Family Gras festival and their headlining musical acts. Light refreshments and beer are available for participants post-race. Additional food and beverages will be available for purchase, and concert admission is free and open to the public.

Click here to register and learn more!


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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