Rivertown Theaters kicks off what promises to be a delightfully diverse season of shows, starting with the musical adaptation of one of the ‘80s all-time favorite and still timely comedy movies, 9 to 5, running from September 13 – 29. 

“Tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen”… or the theater for the pop culture phenomenon that is 9 to 5...live on stage! With music and lyrics by Dolly Parton, Rivertown Theaters brings you the musical based on the seminal hit movie. Pushed to the boiling point, three female coworkers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In a hilarious turn of events, the women give their workplace a dream makeover, taking control of the company that had always kept them down. Hey, a girl can scheme, can't she? Rated PG-13


DORALEE RHODES - Emily Bagwill
JUDY BERNLY - Meghan Kessel
ROZ KEITH - Chrissy Bowen
JOE - Ryan Nocito
DWAYNE - Michael Hinson
JOSH - Austin Anderson
MISSY / ENSEMBLE - Carrie Black
MARIA DELGADO - Carli Collis
DICK - Frank Von Hoven
KATHY - Kayln Hepting
MARGARET - Allee Peck
BOB ENRIGHT - John Detty
RUSSELL TINSWORTHY - Richard “Doc” Whitney

ENSEMBLE: Addison Hinson, Darren Hayes, Abbey Murell, Cameron Hahne, Katie Peck, Renee Gaubert, Laurie Reinagel, Lara Jean Taylor, Rebecca Carleton, Bridget Zewe, Camille Von Hoven


Director - Gary Rucker
Assistant Director - Bryce Slocumb, Rachel Morris
Musical Director - Frank von Hoven
Choreographer - Frannie Buchtel
Assistant Choreographer - Kate Hecker
Set Design - Ron Goldberg
Lighting Design - Stephen Thurber
Props - Jessica Detty
Costume Design - Kaleb Babb
Wigs - Laurin Hart          

SHOW DATES AND TIMES: (Note:  New Evening Performance Time!)

Opening Week: Sept. 13 & 14 at 7:30 pm and Sept. 15 at 2:00 pm

2nd Week: Sept. 20 & 21 at 7:30 pm and Sept. 22 at 2:00 pm

3rd Week: Sept. 26, 27 & 28 at 7:30 pm and Sept. 29 at 2:00 pm

ALL TICKET PRICES:    $40.00 – Adults, $38.00- Seniors, $36.00 – Students (excludes tax & fees)

BOX OFFICE HOURS    Tuesday - Friday from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and one hour prior to each performance